Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Monday Seminar: Influence of quantitative equity approaches on national and local emissions objectives

26/2/2024 14:15 - 15:15.


The seminar speaker is Yann Robiou du Pont with Utrecht University.

Short biography:

Portrett av forsker

As a Marie Curie fellow at Utrecht University, my research seeks to explore the implications of the unfairness of countries actual and pledges emissions levels. To inform decision making, I quantify equitable responsibilities for emissions mitigation efforts and climate finance across countries, and local governments. Aside from academia, I have advised diplomatic teams from the EU and a group of 58 vulnerable countries, informed courts for climate litigation cases and local governments on their emissions targets.


At COP28, countries continued to develop implementation mechanisms of the Paris Agreement, announced non-binding initiatives and taken stock of the insufficiency of current action and climate pledges globally. At the national and local levels, equity considerations, including of historical responsibilities and financial capabilities, are necessary to assess the ambition of individual climate pledges.

In this talk, I will explain my contribution to this literature and how I use it to inform a national and sub-national emissions targets, international negotiations at COPs (EU and vulnerable countries) and court cases against countries against countries and a company. Looking forward, discussion with researchers of multiple disciplines and actors of climate action (civil society, lawyers, decision makers, industry...) can help informing strategic academic input to have inform key climate agendas. This talk will be the opportunity to discuss possible research priorities to improve climate action and justice.

Profile: https://www.uu.nl/staff/YRobiouduPont

Examples of research outputs visible on the interactive websites: https://paris-equity-check.org/warming-check.html and



If you are not affiliated with the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research, but would still like to attend the Monday seminar, please ring the doorbell of the Bjerknes Center. If you need assistance please contact Birgit Rinde at +47 90 28 03 94 or at birgit.rinde@uib.no.