Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

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With equipment normally found in hospitals, geologists can analyze material quicker. Jan Magne Cederstrøm writes about the use of CT scans in a study of debris transported by glaciers.

In the last decades, little sea ice in the Arctic in fall has been associated with cold winters in Europe. A new study signals little reason to prepare for frosty nights and heavy snow, despite less than normal ice in the north.

Mighty floods have carved out deep canyons on Earth. New research suggests this required less power than previously believed. Collecting such data, however, may be demanding. 

Injecting particles into the atmosphere would reduce the temperature increase. But for the world’s ecosystems there is no alternative to mitigation efforts.

Sea level variations in Northern Europe are influenced by winds high above the Atlantic, new study shows. In the western part of the North Sea, the wind direction is more important than the wind speed.

You have very likely heard about the Gulf Stream. The Iceland-Faroe Slope Jet, you have never heard of. This current is the newest one on the map.

The water entering the Barents Sea is not as cooled down as it used to. This has a large effect on the climate in the area and may lead to fish and other marine life migrating, shown in a Nature Climate Change study.