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Publications 2024

Bjerknes scientists are indicated in bold.


Dörr, J., Årthun, M., Eldevik, T., & Sandø, A. B. (2024). Expanding influence of Atlantic and Pacific Ocean heat transport on winter sea-ice variability in a warming Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2023JC019900.  

Couespel, D., Lévy, M., and Bopp, L.: Stronger Oceanic CO2 Sink in Eddy-Resolving Simulations of Global Warming. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 51, Issue 4, 2024. 

Couespel, D. and Tjiputra, J.: What goes in must come out: the oceanic outgassing of anthropogenic carbon. Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 19, Nr. 1, 2024.  

Couespel, D., Tjiputra, J., Johannsen, K., Vaittinada Ayar, P., and Jensen, B.: Machine learning reveals regime shifts in future ocean carbon dioxide fluxes inter-annual variability, Commun Earth Environ, 5, 1–12,, 2024.

Sara Harðardóttir, James Haile, Jessica Louise Ray, Audrey Limoges, Nicolas Van Nieuwenhove, Catherine Lalande, Pierre-Luc Grondin, Rebecca Jackson, Katrine Sandnes Skaar, Maija Heikillä, Jørgen Berge, Nina Lundholm, Guillaume Massé, Søren Rysgaard, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Stijn De Schepper, Eline D. Lorenzen, Connie Lovejoy, Sofia Ribeiro 2024. Millennial-scale variations in Arctic sea ice are recorded in sedimentary ancient DNA of the microalga Polarella glacialis. 2024, Communications Earth and Environment 5, 25,  

Lévy, M., Couespel, D., Haëck, C., Keerthi, M.G., Mangolte, I., and Prend, C.J.: The Impact of Fine-Scale Currents on Biogeochemical Cycles in a Changing Ocean. Annual Review of Marine Science, Vol. 16, 2024.

Maitland, D.O., Richter, K., Raj, R.P. et al. Determining sea-level rise in the Caribbean: A shift from temperature to mass control. Sci Rep 14, 10387 (2024).